Hythe Quay, Maldon, Essex CM9 5HN

Category: News

Harkers Yard Winter Series 2015 Results

Harkers Yard Gig’s Winter Series 2015 After Race 5 Sunday 24th January 2016 Ladies Position Team 1 2 3 4 5 Aqualine 15 0 15 14 17 61 Audacity 0…
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Burnham on Crouch Winter Series Results

Ladies 1st Vanduara 2nd Record Reign 3rd Velocity Men 1st Vanduara 2nd Willow 3rd Record Reign / Aquiline Mixed 1st Vanduara 2nd Mahalah 3rd Velocity Winter Series Overall 1st Vanduara 2nd Record…
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Brightlingsea Winter Series 2015 results

Ladies 1st Vanuara 2nd Record Reign 3rd Willow Men’s 1st Vanuara 2nd Record Reign 3rd Tyrant Mixed 1st Vanduara 2nd Willow 3rd Record Reign Winter Series Overall 1st Vanduara 2nd…
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Gigs at Harkers Yard from Pioneer Sailing Trust

Check out this fantastic short film giving an insight into the origins of our East Coast gigs built at Harkers Yard

Membership 2016

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Brief History of Record Reign

Brief History of Record Reign-The Barge Howard’s best remembered commercial barge was the clipper bowed ketch Record Reign, she was built in Maldon and launched in 1897, the year of…
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